Our sick and shut-in ministry is located in Fontana, CA. The purpose of our sick and shut-in visitation ministry is to help meet the spiritual needs of the sick and shut-in who are unable to attend church services, bible studies, and other church related services. If you are in need of a visit submit a visit request and our visitation ministry will visit you whether you are a member or a non-member. As well, if you are in need of prayer, simply submit a prayer request to our prayer ministry.
Visitation is powerful, and our church has a powerful visitation ministry. Whether you are sick and shut-in at home, in the hospital or in a nursing facility, our visitation ministry will be happy to visit with you. The visitation ministry is a collective effort and not just the job of the pastor or a committee. We would like to reach out to you through your visit request in hopes to comfort, enlighten, inform, encourage and strengthen your faith.